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Monsanto Plays GMO Deception Game |
07.06.13 09:52 |
Americas on the move |
On May 31 world media headlines read similar to this from Reuters: “Monsanto backing away from GMO crops in Europe.” A Monsanto interview with a leftist German paper created the impression around the world that the world’s largest patent-holder of GMO seeds is in full retreat from pushing their GMO seeds, at least in the European Union. The reality is anything but that. Among other things, on June 10 the EU Commission plans to approve a new Monsanto GMO maize sort. |
F. William Engdahl |
The Fracked-up USA Shale Gas Bubble |
14.03.13 00:45 |
Americas on the move |
At a time when much of the world is looking with a mix of envy and excitement at the recent boom in USA unconventional gas from shale rock, when countries from China to Poland to France to the UK are beginning to launch their own ventures into unconventional shale gas extraction, hoping it is the cure for their energy woes, the US shale boom is revealing itself to have been a gigantic hyped confidence bubble that is already beginning to deflate. Carpe diem! |
F. William Engdahl |
The Bizarre Background of the ‘911’ New York Mosque |
15.09.10 07:41 |
Americas on the move |
For days the headline in US and even world news has been whether or not a fanatic Christian preacher from a tiny Florida church will or will not burn the Moslem Koran in protest to the announced plans to build a mosque 400 meters from the site of the World Trade Twin Towers. Conveniently, the drama was focused on the 9th anniversary of the collapse of three (not two as widely believed) towers on September 11, 2001. Now details about the real estate group that is allegedly ready to invest $100 million in the mosque construction suggest that the entire drama is being deliberately orchestrated. The question is by whom to what ends? |
F. William Engdahl |
Gulf Oil Spill ‘Could Go Years’ If Not Dealt With |
11.06.10 10:51 |
Americas on the move |
The Obama Administration and senior BP officials are frantically working not to stop the world’s worst oil disaster, but to hide the true extent of the actual ecological catastrophe. Senior researchers tell us that the BP drilling hit one of the oil migration channels and that the leakage could continue for years unless decisive steps are undertaken, something that seems far from the present strategy. |
F. William Engdahl |
Who Judges the Judges: Reporters Without Borders seems to have a geopolitical agenda |
05.05.10 09:08 |
Americas on the move |
An organization calling itself Reporters Without Borders (RWB; French: Reporters sans frontières, or RSF), has just named Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, China’s President Hu Jintao, Iran’s Mahmous Ahmadinejad, Kazakstan’s Nursultan Nazarbayev and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko to their list of Forty Worst Predators of Press Freedom for 2010. Most significant about their list of “bad guys” is the geopolitical relation of those leaders and those countries to the current obvious “enemies list” of the US State Department. That is no accident as becomes clear when we look more closely at who funds |
F. William Engdahl |
The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti |
29.01.10 22:40 |
Americas on the move |
A former US President becomes UN Special Envoy to earthquake-stricken Haiti. A born-again neo-conservative US business wheeler-dealer preacher claims Haitians are condemned for making a literal ‘pact with the Devil.” Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Bolivian and French and Swiss rescue organizations accuse the US military of refusing landing rights to planes bearing necessary medicines and urgently needed potable water to the millions of Haitians stricken, injured and homeless. |
F. William Engdahl |
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